Why Does the Bible Call Jesus "Firstborn"? Does It Mean He's Not God? Mike Winger 4:13 3 years ago 58 405 Далее Скачать
Why did Paul call Jesus, "the FIRSTBORN of Creation?" A Christian Guy 3:08 1 year ago 2 239 Далее Скачать
How Is Jesus Both the Firstborn of God and the Eternal Son of God? Christianity.com 3:21 7 years ago 3 277 Далее Скачать
How Can Jesus Be God If He Is The FIRSTBORN of All Creation? | Arians DEBUNKED! | @shamounian Christ Over ALL 16:06 7 months ago 14 225 Далее Скачать
How Is Jesus the Firstborn of Creation? Colossians 1:15–18, Part 1 Desiring God 12:23 1 year ago 19 973 Далее Скачать
Samuel Nesan: Why is Jesus called "the firstborn"? Explain International 8:32 5 years ago 648 Далее Скачать
Why is Jesus called the "firstborn of all creation"? Focus on the Kingdom 8:55 10 years ago 6 016 Далее Скачать
December 11, 2024 Church of the Firstborn Wednesday Evening Service Church of the Firstborn of TN 1:12:26 Streamed 3 days ago 129 Далее Скачать
Does the Bible say that Jesus is created? Why is Jesus called the firstborn? Colossians 1:15-23 Angels in the Glen 16:31 2 years ago 933 Далее Скачать
Ask Pastor Sid: Why is Jesus called the "Firstborn" of all Creation? Dr. Stewart Productions 3:06 8 months ago 9 Далее Скачать
Beyond Today -- The Unknown Jesus: The Firstborn Among Brethren - Part 2 Beyond Today 28:21 1 year ago 9 094 Далее Скачать
Episode 5: What Does It Mean That Jesus Is The FIRSTBORN? | The Divine Son Of God Above Reproach Ministry With Jason Camacho 1:20:12 Streamed 1 year ago 2 650 Далее Скачать
Sam Shamoun refuting JW's objection in Colossians 1:15 (Jesus the "firstborn") Habakkuk 12:24 4 years ago 5 670 Далее Скачать
The FIRSTBORN of all CREATION? | Colossians 1:15 Whoever Has The Son 4:17 7 months ago 8 564 Далее Скачать
Why is Jesus called the “firstborn”? Early Christian History with Michael Bird 1:01 11 months ago 567 Далее Скачать